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Secrets of Natural Walking

Natural Way of Living was established by Irmansyah Effendi, M.Sc. in 2014 as a company that endeavors to help others to be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthier by using the physical body more in accordance with the way it was created by The Creator through organizing relevant workshops as well as training centers. 
How can Secrets of Natural Walking benefit me?

Secrets of Natural Walking® is not just about style, improper walking may create problems for your physical body and health. We already know walking is good for us but by correcting the way we walk, we significantly reduce the wear and tear of our body, and start benefiting from activating our natural healing abilities again. All the benefits can related to thoughts, emotions and heart can be felt immediately. 
Thousands of practitioners around the world share the following benefits from Secrets of Natural Walking®


One Day Walking Workshop & Benefits 
This workshop will teach you how to walk properly using the 6 keys that will be reviewed one by one in detail to make sure every participant knows the basic understanding of natural walking so that every step you take can help you to:
  1. Significantly reduces joint, bone & nerve pain   
  2. Improves posture and related conditions such
  3. as scoliosis and hunch back
  4. Improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels
  5. Improves digestion, metabolism & weight loss
  6. Increases energy levels and vitality
  7. Body more toned and proportional in size
  8. Calmer mind, elevated mood 
  9. Improves sleep quality
Participants will be invited to do experiments in this interactive workshop to be more connected to their body and to most importantly experience relaxation by actively removing stress. The end result of this training is to make a person more healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. 
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