Natural Way of Living Singapore is announcing our online Reiki Tummo workshops for April 2021:
Reiki Tummo® Level 3A Workshop
Date: 24 April 2021 (Saturday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm), Singapore time
Registration link:
Pre-requisite: Reiki Tummo Level 2 and has practiced for 3 consecutive weeks
• Kundalini fire reaches at least to the Heart chakra level
• Mass energy channeling/healing
• Programming an object to become an active energy channel
• Developing the seven major chakras
• Advanced stage of the Tummo technique
• Letting the Divine blessing surpass your limitations
• Introduction to the Divine Shing Chi 8 chakra
Bonus: Shing Chi Attunement Shing Chi chakras are divine chakras, located above the crown chakra. Activating higher chakras will allow you to access the energy from these higher chakras to help your spiritual growth and healing.
Participants have reported that the Level 3A Reiki Tummo training workshop has helped them:
Channel healing energy individually or in groups to large groups forwards or backward in time
Become more aware of how to manage their emotions better
Program an object to become an active energy channel
Improve the quality of their meditation further
Let the Divine blessing surpass their limitations
For information about other workshops & current event: click here

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